kobayashi isa

kobayashi isa

Friday, April 18, 2008

Jihad for Love, a film by Parvez Sharma. a jihad of love.

dear Sandi: I cannot begin to express the deep gratitude I feel personally for the gift of this film. It is so much more than a masterpiece so much more than a film so much more than a documentary so much more than an media event so much more than any words I have, a true jihad for true love.

The film itself, including all those whose efforts it is, is clearly a profoundly personal struggle for faith and truth and love. My poor words cannot do it justice.

Jihad for Love faces directly the fundamental spiritual question of our day and age. It answers the fundamental question of our day and age. IMHO (not so humble really) it is at least as deserving for the Nobel prize for peace as Gore's work on global warming.

Paul the Apostle in one of his letters explains what the Body of Christ is: the community of believers in the way of love are the Christ, Christ sacrificed and risen: the Body of Christ is the community of believers in love. The voice of G-D in the Haggaddah proclaims God's love for us and G-D's love alone as the sole saving fundamental principle of reality. In Buddhism the pillar on which faith stands is the community which serve each other and all creatures in love. In Jihad for Love Pervez Sharma Ustad shows that this jihad is love, love that actualizes, realizes, verifies that God's love for us, God's uniqueness is the love we have for each other and the sacrifice we make for each in love. La illaha ila LLAH says there is no other God except this love we share and this love we give to each.

At the heart of Islam are the two festivals of Ramazan and of Sacrifice. In both, the whole family of believers celebrate the sacrifices made for each other by the whole family of believers acting in the fullness of God's love for us, God's saving, giving forgiving love. In Jihad of Love you see that this love is a struggle, a sacrifice, and a celebration, a coming out like the coming out of Moses (aws) leading the people of God in the Haggaddah, Like Jonah coming out of the whale(aws). Like Eyyub (aws) coming out of misery. Into the Light. Like the coming out of Mohammed (saws) and his friends (ra) to set up a new community of lovers. The actual body of love, the saving serving giving forgiving body of God's love in this world. Jihad for Love is the jihad of LOVE: a coming out of the darkness into the light.
Originally posted at 2:02AM, 18 April 2008 EEST ( permalink | edit | close | delete topic )
isa fakir edited this topic 3 hours ago.

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