kobayashi isa

kobayashi isa

Monday, August 27, 2007

red rip figs and other summer delicacies

To: "WHCworkshop@yahoogroups.com"

ripe red figs
my new young guest
never tasted fresh figs

[fresh ripe figs in the market mean summer is over]

scent of fresh figs
from the kitchen
canning for the winter

ripe round sound

cool green tea
cold red tomatoes

honey dew melon
almost too sweet
for breakfast

new moon in the sky
soon it's Ramazan

kigo info: very briefly and superficially: the three holy months are Rajab, Shaban and Ramazan, and Ramazan is the month of fasting, the month of the revelation of Quran, the complete fulfilment of all of God's promises to Adam. In these three months all thoughts of conflict are strictly forbidden. Rajab commemorates the beginning of Mohammed's life on earth(Ragaib) as well as his ascension to heaven(Miraj) and the special gift to him of the five times a day special prayers people can make, and the 15th of Shaban commemorates all of God's mercies and gifts and benefactions. The holiest night of the year, the Night of Power is hidden somewhere during Ramazan. Usually it is honored on the 27th of Ramazan. Today happens to be the 6th of Shaban.

The end of August is when ripe fresh figs appear in the markets. The first to appear are the deep dark purple almost black figs. Later the light yellow figs appear. Tomatoes in August are the best during the year. Melons (kavun) in Turkey in august are indescribable. Yellow on the outside and pale lovely green inside. Watermelons (karpus) are heavy and ripe, but not so big as US of A august watermelons, but a whole lot sweeter.

I believe according to my tea guides that green tea was served traditionally in August in Japan, but that is what the tea merchant said in his summer brochure. My mother made fresh mint tea from her own mint growing in the kitchen all year round so in my family, cold mint tea was all year... and iced tea was the summer time drink, red tea cold with mint sprigs in it. That was my family, and my mom. Where she got it from I don't know. All I know is she would under certain phases of the moon pick herbs in the woods. She never clued us in on it though, but we never had a cold more than one or two days at the most.

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